Hi, I'm Jessica

I am a Responsive Designer & Developer who thrives on visual storytelling and the best user experience. When I'm not working, pursuing side projects or getting lost in the rabbit hole of furthering my Web Development skills.

My goal is to help small businesses have amazing websites, for affordable prices while furthering my knowledge and skills in Web Development!

I am born and raised from Hamilton, Ontario. I am a foodie surrounded by A LOT of amazing restaurants, here in the Hammer. I have tried many of them but still have many more to try!

Eating out gets expensive, so I taught myself to cook (well with the help of the internet of course)! Just like cooking and baking, I taught myself Responsive Web Development, through online courses

When I am not coding websites, cooking and/or baking. I can be found cuddled up with my fiance, and our American Bulldog, playing video games or watching Marvel or Star Wars movies